Exploration Activities

Exploration Activities

Umm Said Refinery is committed to expanding its resource base through exploration works that consistently deliver positive results. The company employs advanced exploration techniques and conducts thorough research to identify the most promising areas for exploration activities. Umm Said Refinery conducts an array of exploration and experimental works and has also implemented measures to establish its own geophysical service.

Our company uses a systematic and comprehensive approach to explore and develop its fields and license areas. From the collection and interpretation of seismic data to the creation of dynamic field models, we employ modern geological and hydrodynamic modeling techniques and new well drilling and completion methods that effectively maximize hydrocarbon recovery in an environmentally sustainable manner.

We have been investing in advanced technologies for processing and interpreting seismic data to increase the success of our exploration drilling. We use innovative approaches to minimize forecast errors for structures and carry out finite-difference modeling of the wave field to select optimal survey parameters. Our ongoing technological development aims to improve the efficiency of geological exploration work, including the methods of seismic survey interpretation.

Basin Modelling

Prospecting for oil reserves is a challenging and costly undertaking, especially when exploring uncharted territory. The high price of geological exploration, coupled with the potential for errors, makes it necessary to find ways to mitigate the risk before fieldwork begins. Basin modeling technology provides a viable solution for geology research and analysis. Using mathematical and analytical methodologies, basin modeling can recreate the processes of geological strata formation, which assists in discovering potential hydrocarbon-rich regions.

Once a basin model is constructed and calibrated, the most promising regions can be identified, and risk assessments can be conducted to justify the viability of developing deposits. Currently, there are limited inclusive basin modeling tools available for complex formations, which is why Umm Said Refinery Technology Strategy is dedicated to enhancing this technology. Conducting thorough research and analysis through basin modeling can provide valuable insights and reduce risk when exploring untapped regions.

Umm Said Refinery is a leading independent producer of oil and gas in Qatar. Our core emphasis is on conducting extensive geological studies, exploring new areas, and producing crude oil, condensate, and natural gas.

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